Milton Keynes 0-19 Service

This is an exciting but challenging time for many parents, as they watch their child develop and begin to play and explore the world around them.

During this time your child will learn new skills such as taking their first step, saying their first word or waving goodbye for the first time. These are known as developmental milestones, and although they are exciting for your child, they can be challenging or emotional for parents, particularly if you are returning to work around this time. The Health Visiting service is here to offer you continuous support throughout this next stage of your parenting journey. We have a single point of access via our administrative team.

You can call us on 01908 725100 Monday to Friday between 9.30am and 4.30pm where there is a duty Health Visitor/School Nurse available to speak to you and help and support you.

Developmental health review

A nine month and a two year (24 month) contact will take place for your child. You will receive a letter inviting you to make an appointment by phoning the Single Point of Access  to check your baby's progress and development. Ages and Stages Questionnaires will then be sent to you to complete at home with your child and bring along to your appointment. At this appointment you will have the opportunity to meet with a member of the Health Visiting Service and discuss how your baby is developing and ask any questions. Please ensure your also bring your red book to this appointment.



When your child turns one years old they will also be offered immunisations.

Immunisations are carried out in the GP surgery. Each surgery arranges these slightly differently so you are advised to phone and check how your surgery operates.


You’ll see lots of change in your child’s development between one and two years.  The health visiting team can offer help and advice on managing behaviour such as fussy eating, toilet training, sleep problems and tantrums.